Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How to Ensure Your Next Post Gets Seen by Thousands of People


You’ve just spent hours (or days!) writing the perfect blog post.

It’s a work of art.

And then you hit publish and… nothing happens.

It’s a heartbreaking feeling that all of us have experienced.

In this article I’m going to show you some little tricks that you can use to ensure that your next post gets seen by thousands of people.

We all want that, right?

The benefits of big traffic

A few weeks ago we looked at how to get 100,000+ visitors from Google and why organic traffic from search engines is beneficial.

This type of traffic, however, is slightly different.

For starters, when you’re aiming for traffic from Google you’re thinking about long term outcomes. It’s not something you can rush.

Today I want to go a little bit further and talk about SEO traffic plus the short term burst you can get from writing a sick post and promoting it properly so that it results in a big social media hit.

This is also known as going viral.


The above is a screenshot from my Google Analytics account showing how I got over 11,000 visitors in my blog’s third week of operation after hitting the front page of Delicious and getting some big traffic from guest posts.

This type of thing is useful because it can help to get your site noticed by influencers and, of course, it usually results in a big spike in subscribers.

subscriber rate

Here’s a shot of my email subscriber growth when I publish a post that gets even just a little bit of extra traffic and attention from social networks.


Have a look at how many extra subscribers my buddy Steve Kamb got after hitting the front page of imgur for a post that someone else did about useful websites.

Not too bad.

Of course, I’m not going to promise that everyone will be able to replicate these kinds of numbers. But hopefully with a little bit of tweaking we should be able to give you a well deserved boost.

How to get your next post seen by thousands

Let’s take a look at some little strategies that I’ve found helpful over the years.

As always, don’t be shy to pipe in if you disagree or have a better way of doing things.

1. Make sure you’re writing about EXACTLY the right thing

I couldn’t start this article without mentioning the vast differences in traffic that can occur if you pick the wrong keywords to target.

Have a look at this traffic estimation for “cure headaches” vs “get rid of headaches”.

traffic estimator

Now, some people will argue that this is just a blogging SEO thing but in my opinion it’s also reflective of what people want. If Google’s data is showing that one search is getting 16,000 more queries per month than another that means more people want that information.

This can give us a big insight into the topic and keywords that we should be writing about and helping people with.

2. Think about what people share not just what they want

This is quite a subtle distinction but it’s very important if you want to make sure that your posts get shared around on social networks – a requirement for going viral.

People don’t share things they think are helpful, they share things they want other people to think they’re reading. – Tweet this.

It might sound a little bit callous but if we’re honest and think about all the content we’ve shared on our Facebook pages, a lot of it would be because we are trying to create a certain type of perception of ourselves

abc news

Here’s a quick example I saw just today about climate change policy. These types of stories attract a large amount of shares, partly because people enjoy supporting a good cause, and partly because they want to show other people that they’re reading about “good” and intelligent topics.

Another great example from last week is I Went Paleo and Now I Hate Everything by Geraldine (boy the produce some good writers in that household). This article is brilliantly written and hilarious, but it’s also perfectly aimed at a group of people who are sick of hearing about paleo and want to share that with their paleo friends.

3. Include links to copious amounts of resources and influencers

A lot of new bloggers have a problem with this one because they think it loses them readers. It doesn’t, I’m quite certain.

When you link to another website or blog you can add a bit of code target=”_blank” which causes the link to open in a new window meaning that your blog stays on their screen. So practically speaking, linking to people isn’t a problem

The main benefit here is that by linking to other blogs and influencers you get yourself on their radar.

This can lead to a few outcomes:

  • They share your stuff
    Ideally we’ll find that getting an influencer to share your content can lead to a big boost in your traffic and subscribers.
  • They link to you
    Another great outcome is when someone finds your blog post after you mention them and then gives you a big shout out in one of their own posts. I have a feeling this is how I managed to get two mentions from Neil Patel within a week.
  • It builds connections with influencers
    The last nice outcome is when one of the influencers sees that you mentioned them, finds another influencer in your article and then begins bonding with them. This kind of situation makes your blog look very powerful.

So when you’re writing your next post it’s a good idea to leave Google open in a separate tab and constantly be looking for new resources to link to. Not only does this help you in terms of your ability to promote the post later, it also makes for a better article because you’ll be expanding your knowledge.

pat and chris

Pat Flynn and Chris Ducker are two of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet and they really take this concept to new levels by actually meeting in person and conducting seminars and group sessions with readers, as well as their podcast.

It’s a very good idea because it helps people, but it also helps their brands to get more attention than they already have.

4. Post your article and then promote it like a crazy-person

Here’s the hard part.

Once you’ve written that amazing article you have to let people know it’s there. And it seems as though a lot of us are uncomfortable with the idea of self promotion. And that’s okay.

One of the reasons I encourage bloggers to write posts that are as helpful as possible is because then you don’t really feel bad about pushing them. You know it’s useful and you really believe in the results that people might get.

Just have a look at Glen’s post from a few years ago on The Future of Blogging which is about 100 million words long and full of the most pithy and practical advice you’ll ever read. This is the kind of article that really helps people – it’s full of generosity.

So how can we promote our articles?

  • Email your list
    This one seems like a given but I’m often surprised at how afraid some bloggers are of emailing their subscribers for fear of bothering them. We really do need to let them know that an amazing new post is live, however, as they will help you get the word out. Craft an email with a great title and really build some interest.
  • Email the people you linked to in the post
    The next step is to email the people that you mentioned in your article. Just keep it quick and informal like, “Hey John. Just wanted to let you know that I mentioned you in this 5,000 word post I just published. Would love a tweet or share if you enjoy it. Thanks!” Don’t email them again if you don’t hear anything otherwise it starts to get a bit annoying.
  • Create some promotional graphics
    When you share your big post on your social networking accounts it’s a good idea to have some fancy graphics to go along with it. They are much more attention grabbing. Here’s a simple one I used for my checklist on how to start a blog which I also used as an ads campaign. Pat Flynn is a master of these graphics and has some really beautiful ones made up.
  • Share on social but test different approaches
    I can’t remember who it was but recently someone told me that you can get interesting results from testing different titles when you tweet out your posts. We can even go one step further and try different times of the day and by using different hash tags to see which gets the most uptake. If you’re sharing on Google+ and Facebook make sure you tag any people that you’ve mentioned in the post, or even ask them for a comment.
  • Spend $50 on Facebook ads
    It can be more or less depending on your budget but even a little boost can have a huge effect on your results if you target the right people. We have to accept that Facebook is really good as a paid platform and if we’ve spent days writing an amazing piece then maybe it deserves a little advertising budget.

These little starter promotional tips will give you a good initial burst which can then allow us to move onto the next stages and go a bit deeper.

5. Have a series of guest posts ready to go

This one is quite complicated and, in all honesty, is getting harder as the years go by as guest posting gets more and more popular and the marketplace more flooded.

But if you can pull it off it’s one of the most rewarding things you can do for your blogging business because the results are still so amazing.

The idea here is that when you publish this amazing blog post you also want to get out as many guest posts that link back to your post within a timeframe of about a week or two.

If you have a look at any of Danny Inny’s guest posts on ProBlogger as an example you’ll see that he links back to his blog in really exciting but natural ways – often linking directly to individual blog posts that he wants to promote.

In the example above you’ll see how the whole post is about landing “big fish” and then goes on to talk about a very cool interview he did with that very same “fish”. Clever.

Of course, this needs to be done in context with a wider blogging strategy:

blogging strategy

If done correctly, this will give you a dramatic boost in traffic as you start to see people share your guest post, the post you linked to, and maybe a boost in the organic search rankings which leads to yet more traffic.

6. Create expert discussions around the topic you’ve written on

Another way you can get influencers to notice and hopefully share your article is by creating discussions and asking for advice on how you can improve the article.

There is currently a great example of this on Inbound where Victor has written an original post for the forum that links back to a guest post that he did on ProBlogger.


This forum post has got over 40 votes and 16 comments which means it’s been on the front page for a while now. This would definitely have been seen by some of the big names who frequent the site.

When you’re doing this type of thing you need to be really careful about linking to and talking about your own website/article. If it seems like self promotion it will not get any attention at all.

The way it was done above was by mentioning it in conjunction with another useful article. This is almost like a guest post. But you can also ask for honest feedback from people, and see what they might add to the article to make it better. This also creates another situation where you might be able to add a new link to your post and hopefully get another share.

7. Bribe your readers (sort of…)

This is a tactic that I have used around three times in five years here on Blog Tyrant.

I find it really interesting because the results can be massive, but you don’t want to do it too often or it loses its effectiveness (and annoys people).

For example, when I did this post on starting a blog I decided to do a huge series of giveaways in exchange for a comment or a share.

It helped to give it a little boost.

One way to do this is by mentioning certain products that you use in the post and then reaching out to those companies to see if they are willing to do a giveaway. This might work well if you are reviewing a particular product, or if you mention something in your post that relates to the topic itself.

Another option is to use a service like Pay With a Tweet.

pay with a tweet

This is a very simple product that can work really well if used in the right way. The idea is that you “lock” a piece of content and readers gain access to that locked content by tweeting about it. You might not want to do this for your whole post, but maybe just keep an aspect or extra downloadable bonus locked behind the tweet wall.

What do you think?

Do you use any of these tactics? Perhaps you’ve had a post that has done really well on social media after trying something different? I’d be really interested to hear about it so please leave a comment below.

© Ashestosky

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