Friday, July 3, 2015

I Haven’t Done This in 4 Years…and it’s Happening Right Now

I’m not happy about it, but it’s been over 4 years since I conducted my last audience survey here at SPI.

4 years!

A lot happens in a year, let alone four, and the brand – at least according to the number of email subscribers – has grown by over 1500%. The podcast, which was about a year old at the time, has grown from 1 million downloads to now 17 million. Ask Pat has entered the scene as a primary channel, as well at SPI TV, and my primary social media channels (Twitter and Facebook) are now well over 100k followers strong each.

All this to say, I haven’t been doing my best to truly discover what I can do to improve your experience here on Smart Passive Income and how I can serve you best.

All of that is now, however, going to change. With the team behind me as well as the gracious attention from a number of my mastermind group members, I’m happy to announce that a brand new survey is available for you to take today. I’m geeking out because I cannot wait to read and analyze the results!

Click here now to take a few minutes to complete the survey. Your answers (collected anonymously) are truly appreciated!

I’ve been learning a lot about surveys recently with the help of a great book called Ask, by Ryan Levesque. It comes highly recommended by a number of people and it was exactly the book I needed to read before conducting this survey. Anyone, no matter what stage you’re at in your business, should read this book. In fact, it was a huge eye-opening for me, and further validated that I haven’t been doing what I should be doing here on SPI – starting with you and your needs first.

I’ve also reached out to Ryan personally because his book was so helpful, and he’ll be on the podcast in the next couple of months to talk all about survey strategies and asking the right questions to your audience.

Another important announcement – something I actually never done before – is that I’m hiring a content manager. This person will help me focus on the content of SPI, much of which will be determined by the results of this survey. It is my hope that the content manager will help me better plan the content for SPI and it’s related channels, as well as be more consistent with the blog posts that I publish on SPI.

After the summer vacations with the family are over, you’re going to see SPI breakthrough to a completely new level, and it all starts with your responses to this very important survey.

Thanks again in advance for your responses and honesty, and I look forward to analyzing the results and better serving you in the future!

Click here to take the survey now.

I Haven’t Done This in 4 Years…and it’s Happening Right Now is a post from: The Smart Passive Income Blog

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