Monday, July 27, 2015

Thank You. Seriously.


This month Blog Tyrant celebrated its fifth birthday and all I really want to do is say thanks.

I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone!

It’s been such a crazy and happy adventure – making the decision to focus on one brand that I really love – and trying my best to produce content that is (even in a very small way) useful to people. It’s forced me to keep experimenting and learning about everything that goes along with blogging.

But more than anything I’ve loved the friendships and connections built as a result of this little blog.

It’s time for some shout outs.

*queue the Academy Awards long-speech music*

You’re all seriously amazing human beings…

The community on this blog never ceases to amaze me.

At the time of writing this post there have been 14,619 comments made by some truly awesome people.

Every week we have useful discussions made up of hundreds of comments – it’s wonderful to see. I learn so much from you guys, and I know a lot of new bloggers find the comments often more helpful than the posts!

And while I can’t thank everyone individually, there are a few people – mentors and readers – who have been around from the very beginning who I’d like to call out.

Mentors and special mentions

I have to start by thanking Darren Rowse. Without his blog I would never have started my first website all those years ago, and he also gave me my first guest posting opportunities which really kickstarted things around here. His blog and example has literally changed my life.

Then there’s Glen Allsopp who gave me a big opportunity and has always been encouraging and generous with my copious email questions. That’s been a huge gift.

People like Brian Clark, Sonia Simone, Jerod Morris, Chris Ducker, Rand Fishkin, Pat Flynn, Neil Patel and James Chartrand have also been huge sources of either encouragement, mentorship or just beacons of advice. I’m always really touched at how accessible they’ve made themselves.

My most important mentor, however, is my dear friend Justin who runs a successful online company that no one would ever know about. He’s tried to teach me to be less of a douchebag, and is always there when I have a business question and need an honest answer or just a shoulder to “cry” on.

Readers, colleagues and newly-formed friends

It might sound strange to people living in the offline world, but the readers of your blog often become genuine friends.

And while I am truly grateful to everyone who leaves a comment on Blog Tyrant, I really want to give a special mention to: Scott Kindred, Rachelle Berube, Chris Huff, Lewis LaLanne, Marcus Sortijas, Johanna Castro, Liz Lennon, Leon Noone (who recently passed away), David Iwanow, Steve Rendell, Bernie J Mitchell, Kirsten Oliphant, Corey Freeman, Slavko Desik, Shaun McCarthy, Chris Rice and Lisa who have been around for years and years commenting, sharing and just being incredible. Your presence is truly valued.

Also a special mention to Ian, Sarah and Tessa and all the staff at Bar9 that put up with me all day and let me pretend that their cafe is my office.

And to James Field for taking that photo of me on the couch – I think that made all the difference.

The most important thank you of all

The most important person in my life – someone who has been there through every single up and down – is my beautiful fiancée Peta. Even when we had no money she encouraged me and has always pushed me to be better, kinder and harder working. Without her I honestly don’t know where I’d be. It’s an incredible source of strength when your partner genuinely believes in you.

So how do we celebrate?

To celebrate you can all send me birthday presents. My address is… only kidding. Let’s give some stuff away.

I’d really like to learn about how I can improve Blog Tyrant for you over the next five years. Is there anything around here that really bothers you? Any topics that you’d really like to see me cover? Any ways I can make your time here more enjoyable?

Please leave a comment below and I’ll pick the three best suggestions and send you $250 via PayPal for you to spend on your blog. Hopefully it’ll help give you the kickstart that all of you have given me.

Top Photo: © Djem82 |

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